
I`ve met my angel, down the street... She was waring those wings i could never get, but there she was, standing for me... and she had those eyes, with which i couldn`t see, but there she was, looking out for me, and caring for me...

Been walking down the street yesterday, i was in some kind of a hurry, in a hurry to nowhere, meeting none... I`ve took my jacket on me, it was cold outside, and it was late, but who cared about that, i felt like i had to go out, to get out of the house. I never felt something like this in my life... Never had that feeling before. I got out quickly, cause i couldn`t stay more inside, and i walked down the stairs, out of the scale block, down the street... It was like someone was guiding me through the town, through the streets. It was that feeling...

Walking down the street i saw her. She was standing there, enlightened by the moon, which, was like playing with a ray of lite on to her face, her beautiful face, angelic...For a moment i`ve thought she`s an angel, whom came from above. In the light of the moon...I knew she was "my angel"...

I slowly got close to her..Slowly, like i was dreaming..and then, suddenly, she dissapeared. She whispered.."i`ll be right there for you, to listen to your heart, to touch your soul, to feel your pain, i will be there..." i was like, happy and sad. i lost her again..but i know, she`ll be back...i know she`ll be back...

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