Imi bate`ncet la usa, incet, ca si cum n`are vrea sa ma deranjeze si totusi, ar vrea sa ii deschid... trag plapuma de pe mine, sar din pat si ma duc sa vad cine`mi bate usa la ora asta. Deschid..
Scrie, ca sa nu pierzi florile gandului tau, pe care altfel le ia vantul...[Nicolae.Iorga]
Imi bate`ncet la usa, incet, ca si cum n`are vrea sa ma deranjeze si totusi, ar vrea sa ii deschid... trag plapuma de pe mine, sar din pat si ma duc sa vad cine`mi bate usa la ora asta. Deschid..
The worse fight, the worse nightmare… the worse battlefield.
Have you ever thought about the worse battlefield? The battles that struggles you, that puts you down, that makes you clash down? I think about it every day, first I thought is the fight with that sweet best friend that has just betrayed me, it`s not. You`ll say, it`s the fight with your parents, or your girlfriend, or anyone else who`s disappointed you.
These aren`t reasons, these aren`t fights, these are just things that make your battlefield look like it`s been the third world war, but this aren`t fight. The worse fight, the biggest battlefield on which you have to fight is your mind. That place where fights never end, where fight grow with every single thought, with every single word that keeps coming through your mind. This is where you have to stand up, the place where you have to change things, and set them straight and accurate. This is the battlefield you carry wherever you go, out with friends, dating, church, and every single place. It`s an unfinished field of fights. It will end when u will “rest in peace”. As it starts as soon as you can think and act on your own initiative, it won`t end unless your brain stops working.
It`s strange that I started this topic, but I keep fighting on this battlefield for years, and I just figured out that this costs me in my real life, in my relationships, in my relationship with God. Every thought make it slave obeying Jesus Christ. As I don`t have peace in my soul, and rest in my mind, order in my thoughts, I decided to show you how to win this battle. It won`t be easy, and it will come back every single day.
It`s like breathing oxygen, drinking water, eating, it`s like it comes from itself, but you can win! Make your thoughts slaves obeying The Lord. Only He can help us. We die slowly everyday, slowly and sure. And soon we`ll look like walking wrecks. Living deads, walking, with mind flying far away, unable to talk as we used to, unable to face reality, to face real world, we`ll keep leaving like dreamers fighting on our “worse battlefield”.
Every fight starts in the worse battlefield the humanity can face, our minds. Face it!
e iarna...
ce folos?
ma pierd printre stele de`argint,
ce folos sa`ti soptesc cuvinte de dulce?
a`nceput sa cada fulgii,
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