
The last few days i was very upset and.. i didn`t know what everybody wanted from me. i`m not going to discuss it here, or detail it. because it just doesn`t make sense. but i wanna tell you, friends .... don`t look for them, they`ll find u, u`ll find them. it`s simple. it`s a simple rule of life. things u run to catch them, will run from u. things u run from, will run after u. don`t!
and i figured it all out:)) why in the world ? because nothing drives people more crazy than seeing someone actually having a good life.
so dude, if u wanna lie about me, gossip my life. i got four words for you "go get a life"! as simple as that.

                     now, after all what happened, i wanna sit on my window, watch all the people crossing by, drink my coffee and LOUGH OUT LOUD,  as loud as i can. i`m still happy as last week. and as i said, i was not ment to taste mud and dust only after i give very last breath. cheers my FRIENDS! and i mean real friends.

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Secretul fericirii

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